Appointments - Covid-19
Due to Covid-19 the way we operate appointments has slightly changed.
All of our GP appointments are either telephone triage or face to face.
The GP and the patient will make the decision to come in for a face to face appointment for examination or have a telephone consultation.
You will be asked various of questions before coming into the practice.
Our Nurse/HCA appointments are still face to face as normal, but you will be screened by a receptionist over the phone. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
You may receive a text message to remind you of your appointment at The Clapton Surgery, unless we inform you that it will be a face to face. Please assume that this is a telephone appointment, you can always call the practice to clarify with our receptionists.
There are FIVE types of GP appointments:
- Routine Telephone Appointments which you can book up to 4 weeks in advance from the date of your contact on the phone, in person or online. New users are required to complete a simple registration.
- Special Telephone Appointments which you can only book 24 hours in advance, which you MUST call at 08:30 on the day, for the next day appointment.
- Emergency Telephone Appointments which can only be booked on the same day. To book an emergency appointment, you MUST call us at 08:30 for a morning appointment or 15:45 for an afternoon appointment. You may be asked by a receptionist the reason for your appointment; as this is screened by the GP on call this is in order for the clinician to prepare for your consultation.
- Telephone Consultations for patients that wish to speak to an on call Doctor on the same day. We ask all patients to call before 10am everyday in order for an on call Doctor to give them a call back, it would usually be between the hours of 9am-3pm.
- Online Appointments are for patients who have online access that wish to book appointments online as it is more convenient for them instead of calling or coming into the surgery. If you wish to obtain a login detail with password please do not hesitate to contact the Practice Manager for more information
Emergency appointments are for medical problems that cannot wait until the next routine or special appointment. Repeat prescriptions, signing of forms or non-urgent referrals will not be dealt with during an emergency appointment and you will be asked to re book. Your appointment with a nurse will be for 15 minutes and with a doctor for 10 minutes.
We are only able to offer one Emergency per household member.
It is inevitable that when the surgery is very busy there may be times when your wait will be longer than expected, for times like these we apologise and ask for your understanding.